Watercolor Portfolio of Bird Paintings and Classes

Welcome to my watercolor portfolio! I am a bird watercolor artist and teacher who is passionate about sharing my love of painting with others. I am based in Madison, Wisconsin, and I offer a variety of watercolor classes for all skill levels.

People participating in watercoloring activity at Dane Arts Buy Local event in 2022

Bird Watercolor Paintings

I am drawn to the beauty and diversity of birds, and I love capturing their unique personalities in my paintings. My bird paintings are often realistic and detailed, but I also enjoy adding my own creative touch to each painting.

Here are a few examples of my bird watercolor paintings:

Watercolor Classes

I offer watercolor classes for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. My classes are usually small, so that I can give each student the attention they deserve.

In my watercolor classes, you will learn the basics of watercolor painting, including brushstrokes, color mixing, and painting techniques. You will also have the opportunity to paint your own bird watercolor paintings.

I teach people how to find reference material, materials choices, how to draw and compose quickly, and how to use watercolor techniques to efficiently and patiently render impressionistic paintings.

Unique Watercoloring Pages

One unique way that I make it easier for people to learn succeed quickly with watercolor is that I create unique prints on watercolor paper. My students get a great drawing to start with and focus on getting comfortable with watercolor without risking destroying a drawing that took countless hours for them.

Watercolor page of cranes at nest with watercolor brush and paints

Watercolor Classes Available

Here are a few of the watercolor classes I offer:

  • Introduction to Watercolor Painting: This class is perfect for beginners who want to learn the basics of watercolor painting.
  • Watercolor Birds: Learn to paint your own bird watercolor paintings in this class.

If you are interested in learning more about my watercolor paintings or classes, please visit my website or contact me. I would love to hear from you!

Contact Information

Social Media

  • Instagram: @artTheo

What’s next?

I encourage you to browse my portfolio and contact me if you are interested in purchasing a painting or taking a watercolor class. I look forward to hearing from you!